You can learn about true passion by observing Dr. Mani. You can’t get any more passionate about something than he does.
Dr.Mani Is a heart surgeon in India. But he’s not your ordinary surgeon. Dr.Mani reserves his specials skills for families who can’t afford to pay for the heart surgery required to save their child’s life.
Dr.Mani can’t do it alone. He needs your help and mine. He has been very creative in using online methods to get others involved. His latest online event is no exception.
The Heart Kids Tweet-a-thon is scheduled for September 12th. Dr.Mani will be posting on Twitter all day and night for 24 Hours to raise awareness about Congenital Heart Defects and to raise the needed funds to perform surgeries. We have the privilege of being able to help Dr.Mani save a child’s life.
Go to and learn how you can join me in supporting Dr.Mani and the families that desperately need our help. You will be glad you did.
Wow, this is a great idea. I hope he gets everything he needs to be able to continue his great service!