Image by djwudi via Flickr
Diane handcrafted a Raggedy Ann doll. You remember the Raggedy Ann doll, don’t you? It was a rag doll that was most known for its red yarn hair.
This particular Raggedy Ann doll was special. It was to be given to a needy child at Christmas. When Diane finished creating the doll, she gave it to her husband Bill with instructions to deliver it to an organization that could put it in the hands of a child who needed it most.
Bill set out to find that organization. To his amazement, there was no organization he could find that could share this love-filled toy with a needy child. Bill had to return home to his wife, who put so many hours of her time and love into the doll, and tell her that he could not find any such organization.
Diane could have felt heart broken. She could have given up her dream of having that Raggedy Ann doll change a child’s life. Instead, she suggested that her husband should start an organization that could put toys in needy children’s hands. He did!
Bill Hendricks was a Marine Corps Reservist. His launch of this organization was so successful, that the Marine Corps adopted Toys for Tots. Marines have conducted successful nationwide campaigns at Christmas each year since 1948.
Through the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots
Program, Marines have distributed more than 370 million toys to more
than 173 million needy children!
Toys for Tots would not exist today if it weren’t for a wife who wanted to make a difference in a child’s life and a husband who was willing to take action when he was presented with a need. They created the spark that set the world on fire.
What need are you aware of that you should be taking action on? Be the spark.
Note: This is one of my favorite nonprofit startup stories. If you have a nonprofit startup story you would like to share, please go to https://www.everydaygivingblog.com/2008/07/wanted-nonprofi.html.
A great way to raise funds for Toys For Tots is by doing your xmas shopping through http://www.nonprofitshoppingmall.com and choosing Toys For Tots to receive a percent of your sales. Check it out!!! There are so many nonprofits and retailers to choose from and think of the difference you could make just by shopping!
what a great story i didnt know thats how ragady anne started thats cool
That is a really neat start-up story! Just thought I would pass this website along to you, its http://www.koinoniasolutions.com
they help non profits, utilize online social networking tools, such blogs, twitter, facebook, etc. which helps non profits,
A. gain more users. and
B. Stay connected with those users.
Its pretty cool.
– Check Them Out –
Law iz Law,
I love your enthusiasm. I do want to correct your interpretation of the story so there is not a misunderstanding. The story is about how Toys for Tots got its start. It is not how Raggedy Ann was born. Hmmm, maybe I need to look into how Raggedy Ann got her start…