"I figure, you know, if you treat people right, you can only hope that they treat you right. It’s as simple as it gets in this complicated world."
This is a quote from Julio Diaz. Julio was recently mugged in the subway at New York City. He not only gave his wallet, but since the robber was going to be mugging other people, Julio gave him his coat to keep warm. This led to the two of them having dinner together in a nearby diner (and the mugger paid for the meal!)
This is an incredible story on the power of a giving lifestyle. There’s something in this story for each of us as we look at our own life. Just how giving are we in our everyday life? Even in the moment of incredible stress (imagine being mugged), is our natural response to give?
Read the entire article from NPR.
…post by guest blogger, Scott Couchenour, founder of Serving Strong.