Thanks, love and appreciation are powerful words when expressed from the heart. How many times have you used these words today?
I recently received two thank you notes in the mail on the same day. Both of them were thanking me for the volunteer work I have been doing with the Arthritis Foundation. One of those notes was from a girl that suffers from juvenile arthritis. It was unexpected and really touched me. It also motivated me.
Saying “thank you” is powerful.
When I’m talking on the phone with my wife or son, I always tell them that I love them at some point during the conversation. If I’m on my cell phone in public during the phone call, heads turn in my direction with a smile when I say those words.
Recently I read a book by Dan Baker, Ph.D. and Cameron Stauth entitled “What Happy People Know: How the New Science of Happiness can Change Your Life for the Better.” I highly recommend the book. They discuss love being the opposite of fear. The best way to overcome fear is with love.
Saying “I love you” is powerful.
Several months ago I sent an e-mail to my clients and subscribers entitled “I Appreciate You.” I received a larger response to that e-mail than any other before or after it. It obviously struck a positive chord with many readers.
In the same book
mentioned above, Baker and Stauth wrote “Appreciation is the highest, purest form of love…Appreciation asks for nothing and gives everything.”
Saying “I appreciate you” is powerful.
Share your feeling of thanks, love and appreciation with others through notes, telephone calls and face-to-face conversations. These simple acts of kindness have the potential to change lives and make the world a better place.