There is an easy way for you to support worthwhile charities. It doesn’t require any additional time or money from you. All you need to do is use different search engines than you are currently using. You won’t even be sacrificing the quality of your search results because these search engines still produce the results you currently receive.
Below is a list of several charitable search engines. These search engines donate all or a portion of the revenue they generate from advertisements. How do you choose which charitable search engines to use? Ask the following questions:
- How are the charities selected by you or the company?
- Is the selection of charities limited? If so, does the selection include those charities or charitable areas you are most interested in supporting?
- Where are the search results generated from (Google, Yahoo!, etc.)?
- What percentage of the revenue is donated to the selected charities?
- Is an easy method provided to help you integrate the search engine into your web browsers?
- Is their search page and results clean or cluttered?
- What additional features are available with the charitable search engine that might be useful (blog, directory, etc.)?
Check out the charitable search engines in the list below. Ask yourself the list of questions above and make a selection of your favorites. Now all you have to do is start using them each time you are surfing the web. Feel great about adding one more way in your daily activities to make a difference.
I will be providing reviews of some of my favorite charitable search engines in future posts.
For more ways to help online, go to
You have listed some great links on your site for easily supporting charities. I have it in my plans to address charity click sites and shopping sites in the future on this blog.
just meant to mention that i’ve seen a couple of days ago a web site which is currently building its charity database…from what i understand, they’re selling online message stars, pretty much like e-cards, and for each star sold, they give back $1 to an charitable organization chosen by the person who sends the message.
So people can either suggest an organization and charities can also ask to be added on their listings.. i thought it was a pretty cool idea.
the site is:
also, thanks for this listing on charitable search engines…i’ve been using Charity Cafe since I’ve read your post!
Thanks for the great list!
The limitation of the current charitable search sites seems to be that A: none of them have their own index and therefor a large % of the money that could be going to charity ends up going to Google or yahoo whose index and ads they are using.
And B: It seems that few (if any) of the charitable search sites are themselves run by non profits, so more of the money ends up elsewhere.
I think someone should start a community run “Wiki” style non profit/charitable search project.
Any takers???
PS. I’m not a squidoo member so I can’t add it my self but may qualify for inclusion in your list.