Azim Jamal and Harvey McKinnon are graciously giving away an electronic version of their book entitled, "The Power of Giving." Don’t let the fact that they are giving this book away convince you that it is not valuable. This is a terrific book full of quality information and I would encourage you to get a copy. Go to to get your copy right now. I initially read the electronic copy and was impressed. I have since purchased a hardcopy of the book that I have been using. Azim and Harvey’s goal is to use the book to spread a "giving virus."
Hi Roger, I found this by accident. but was delighted to see it. thanks for posting this. we are continuing to get generous coverage like yours and about 2,000 downloads each month. Plus we’ve had some great emails from folks talking about how they were inspired to give more – the payoff! cheers, How did you find out about the project/book? Harvey
I am glad you found the Everyday Giving Blog (even if it was by accident). I have read your inspiring book and refer back to it often. I wanted my blog readers and ezine subscribers to be inspired by it as well. Hopefully you will be hearing from them as well.
I found your website while doing research on the Internet.