There are countless times that you might consider giving to someone. You don’t have to look very hard to find one or more reasons every day. Be creative in finding reasons to do something for someone when they won’t expect it. Pick one or more of these upcoming observances as reasons to help and surprise…
Category: Enthusiasm
Reasons to Give in November 2006
There are countless times that you might consider giving to someone. You don’t have to look very hard to find one or more reasons every day. Be creative in finding reasons to do something for someone when they won’t expect it. Pick one or more of these upcoming observances as reasons to help and surprise…
Smiles Are Contagious is Featured in New Artella Newspaper
How would you describe the staff and members at Artella? One look at their website and your description will include: Creative Artistic unique Charitable The latest product at Artella is a daily newspaper called The Artella Daily Muse. In its pages are sections that contain news and resources that the creative artist within you can…
The Caring Institute Names Most Caring People in America for 2006
Seven adults and six youths were named the 2006 inductees to the Hall of Fame for Caring Americans by the Caring Institute. You will probably recognize some of the names. The accomplishments of those chosen will certainly inspire you. If you don’t believe kids can make a difference, think again. Some of the award winners…
Does Your Teenager Need An Attitude Adjustment?
Does your teenager seem grouchy, lazy, and apathetic some or most of the time? Your desire is for him or her to have a positive and charitable attitude. Does the possibility of this happening seem almost impossible? I just finished reading a book that could make a remarkable difference in your teenager’s life (and yours…
October is Family Portrait Month and Photographers are Joining Together to Support Operation Smile
The month of October is National Portrait Month. Photographers from across the United States have joined together with the Professional Photographers of America (PPA) Charities to make a difference in children’s lives. They are conducting a fund-raising effort to support Operation Smile. Participating photographers have pledged to contribute a portion of each October family portrait…
Martin Sabel Interview with Roger Carr
Martin Sabel interviewed me about why I started Everyday Giving, what it means to be a philanthropist, and some of the many ways a person or company can give to make a difference. Go to to listen to the interview.
A Great Way to Make a Difference on Halloween
When I was growing up, it was fun dressing up in costumes and going "trick-or-treating" door to door in my neighborhood on Halloween. Can you remember how fun it was doing that? Unfortunately, a scare started one of those years because somewhere candy was handed out that was tampered with. After that time, we still…
Interview with Author of “What A Difference A Day Makes”
Last night I interviewed Kerri Cartelli. She is the author of What a Difference a Day Makes: A Survival Guide for Women. Go to to listen to the full interview. I will be writing up a more extensive post for this blog regarding the interview, but I didn’t want you to have to wait…
The Holiday Season is Almost Here
I couldn’t believe it. I was doing some shopping this past weekend and discovered that many of the stores are already putting Christmas items on their shelves! The traditional holiday season is just around the corner. Have you considered who you are going to give to this season? Have you considered what you are going…